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I was having fun in my corporate job at the time, but giving all this up to be an air hostess seemed very attractive - until I determined the salary from HR in Crawley. It the quarter from the salary I have been already entirely on! I wasn't exactly nineteen, I was nearing my thirties, so it was not yet the same proposition. We a long chat with Matt as well as said I should stay where I am but just book a lot of holidays separated! That way I could be throughout the plane, enjoyable and party but continue to have four times the sum of cash left following the month! So I took his advice.I do wonder though what would my future have been if Got put that red uniform on and worked for Richard??!

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However, despite the fact that I am not a billionaire, I certainly feel I possess a rich our life. I see payments coming through for a job I love makes me feel living a luxurious life. Also is there to acquire?

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